Friday, 17 May 2013

Saturday Night Hockey: My Maple Leaf Flag Bearer

Here's my boy! He's been selected as the Scotiabank's flag bearer for the Toronto Maple Leaf's hockey game against the Montreal Canadians for tomorrow nights game.

He'll be carrying the flag on the ice at the Air Canada Centre, and skating in front of about 18,000 spectators during the National Anthem. He's SUPER excited, and he says he's not nervous about it. My husband is having a fun time joking him about tripping, and I know that I'll be a nervous wreck about just that. I hope he pulls it off without a snag. Frankly, I don't think I could do it.


  1. HI Hockey Mom from a fellow Hockey Mom. What was the process of getting your son to be a flag bearer. Was it through the league or through your handy work!

  2. Hi Kira, Scotia Bank runs a program where you apply and can be selected for this great honour. My husband applied on behalf of my son, and it happened that way. There are a few programs that they run to highlight the little players. Maybe check out Scotia Bank's website. Good luck! Johnny loved it!

    Where does your son play and what age group is he? Cheers,

